What is The YouthSuccessNetwork?

The Youth Success Network (TYSN) is a New Jersey Medicaid Licensed Provider of Intensive-In-Community Behavioral Healthcare for youth and adolescents throughout the State of New Jersey. Founded in 2003, TYSN only provides Youth-Focused, Age- Appropriate behavioral healthcare for the youth and adolescents aged 7 years of age up to 19 years of age.

Our Services COME TO YOU

All too often, it is not a question of DOES my child need some kind of help, but rather WHERE can we get help.  TYSN provides the mental and behavioral healthcare that is matched and suited to the needs of children, youth and adolescents, all available In-Person in the privacy of your own home or in a community setting, or via convenient, easy, and confidentially available telehealth delivered services.

how can they help my child’s mental or behavioral healthcare needs?

TYSN therapists and clinicians are trained in treating youth as young as 7 years old up until 18 years of age.

A kid's life and experiences are different from their parents. Kids today have different issues and different problems than what we as parents and adults had at their age. Our parents were worried about us watching too much television because it was going to "make us lazy", and that "we didn't read enough".  Today, who watches television? Now it's social media. But as any kid can tell you, YOU HAVE TO BE ABLE TO READ AND WRITE to get onto any social media app. But a kid's mental health involves much, much more than just using their thumbs.

Should you choose to have TYSN help you and your child, our clinicians will, after a short, but thorough evaluation, create a Individualized Treatment Plan that is carefully matched to and appropriate for the age of your child, and at a level that they will be able to understand and comprehend. All progress will monitored and explained to the parent at regular intervals. Parent understanding and participation is a key element to your child’s treatment and progress.  Learn more about TYSN and how we can help your child and you find a better way to wellbeing.    

What is Youth-Focused mental and behavioral healthcare?

Youth-Focused Therapy is the approach of individualized therapies being designed specifically for children, youth and adolescents, and deal exclusively with youth-oriented issues, which are very different than the treatment of an adult with similar behavioral issues.

The Youth Success Network (TYSN) concentrates only on youth and adolescent therapy and behavioral healthcare.  Our therapists and clinicians treat minors under 18 yrs. of age and focus on the problems that children-youth-adolescents face today. TYSN therapists help youth deal with the challenges that occur in a child’s daily life, whether at school, at home, or in the community or in social events.  Childhood-related issues and problems such as bullying, school-related anxiety, depression, body-image, awkward social skills, gender and sexual orientation, all impact and affect youth differently than is does an adult. 

What IS Age-Appropriate therapies? Does the age of my child make a difference?

Age- Appropriate treatment is the practice of approaching each individual youth's therapy, presenting it at a level that matches their particular age-group and is delivered at a level that they can fully understand.

The TYSN approach is to help each child at a level that they understand and feel comfortable at.

Our therapists understand the difference of talking with a kid and speaking with an adult. They know they need to change their approach to one where the youth understand not only the words of therapy, but the way therapy can be of help. 

How and why is Age-Appropriate therapies important when treating children?

Age- Appropriate treatment is TYSN’s therapists approach treating each and every child. As a child ages, it doesn't necessarily mean they've matured.  A problem that a youth faces at 5-years old changes when they become 7 years old.  A middle-school student's problems are different from a high schooler. And there is a big difference between a 16-year-old and an 18-year-old. At each stage, and at each age, the problems and issues that manifest in a child’s behavior, changes and are often unique to that age.

Each TYSN therapist breaks down the steps of the therapeutic process for each child’s treatment plan down to their individual level of understanding. In short, we approach kids at the level they can understand and can comprehend.  

How is Age-Appropriate therapies different from therapies for an adult?

Every parent understands that a kid's life is different from the life of an adult. Even if they live in the same house, and under the same conditions. So why should we think that therapy designed for an adult should apply for a youth with a similar outcome? Youth- Focused, Age- Appropriate therapies addresses the needs of a child AS a child and approaches the treatment of your child at a level they will understand and be able to deal with.  

Why informing the parent/siblings and their role in Age-Appropriate therapies so important?

What and how does TYSN help?

Was it something I or my family did that caused this situation?

Unfortunately, there is no ‘magic cure’ for mental health issues. However, through effective treatment and therapy, most children and adolescents do grow up to lead happy, healthy and productive lives. There is no reason why your child will not be the same, and to be able to enjoy all that life has to offer. But the sooner the child receives therapeutic treatment the sooner they will begin to recover and improve their symptoms.

Will my child live a “normal” and happy life?

As a parent will I be informed of both the treatment and progress?

The Youth Success Network is a New Jersey State Licensed Provider of Medicaid Funded services, so there are no out-of-pocket charges to Medicaid referred participants. EVER.

If you are NOT a New Jersey Medicaid participant, please call or contact PerformCare at (Toll Free) 1-877-652-7624 or TTY (for the hearing impaired) 1-866-896-6975. PerformCare is open 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week, 365 a year. Please speak with a representative of PerformCare to start your family’s access to mental and behavioral healthcare needs in the State of New Jersey.

How can we know if the therapy is helping?

How long does it take? (How many minutes of therapy?

Does telehealth work with youth?

Yes, telehealth has been a giant step in having youth and parents being able to access behavioral health when a therapist is not close or easily accessible. In many cases, telehealth may be the ideal method of therapeutic delivery.

Children and youth are perhaps the easiest to adapt to telehealth delivered services. Due to the pandemic, they have become well versed in school classes via zoom meetings or other media delivered services. In addition, many if not most, youth are highly skilled at or very well acquainted with electronically delivered services, whether it is through social media or face-time communication. Telehealth is an adaptation of any of the above.

How young can the child be?

Once we choose a therapist, how do we communicate?

How does The YouthSuccessNetwork choose the right therapist for my child?

Why can’t we do text or phone calls only?

Does Tele-health delivered sessions replace face-to-face therapy?

How long does it take before we start services?