Moving Forward

To meet the ever changing needs of our youths, The Youth Success Network is dedicated to creating new and dynamic programs that benefit the youth, the family and the community at large. 




Mentors provide an informal, non-therapeutic, face-to-face intervention for youth with the goal of establishing positive community links for recreational needs or emotional support. Mentors are required a minimum of a high school diploma and are not licensed therapists. Thus, they and cannot provide psychotherapist counseling. Mentoring however, provides a means by which youths can connect with positive people on a 1:1 ratio that can help then utilize their talents through positive outlets.



Parent Mentoring (Pbmt) 

The Parental Behavioral Management Training (PBMT) program is a brief strategic family-specific intervention design to prevent, reduce, or treat adolescent behavioral issues and improve overall home management. Parent mentors work with the parent(s) on areas such a scheduling, home organization, and other areas associated with parenting responsibilities. The typical PBMT service is delivered across a 12 week period which includes an initial and final clinical assessment.   


The Youth Success Network, POWER OF PRESENCE- Truancy and Absenteeism Prevention Program is a bifurcated 12 week In-Home program for both the Student AND the Parent designed in collaboration with both the School and/or the Municipal Truancy Court (if applicable) to keep the Student and Family engaged in staying in school and in attending classes.


Savvy program


The SAVVY Program is based on evidence based practices utilizing two separate but complementary modalities, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Performance Psychology. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a short-term, goal-oriented modality based on problem-solving. Performance Psychology emphasizes utilization of the participant’s positive natural attributes, and is especially suited for promoting a higher level of self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence.

By incorporating the two modalities, the goal of the program is to transition Court involved youth and families from their current situation to one of re-connectedness and re-engagement within the community they live in.

Trauma-Influenced Self-Regulation Integrating

Social-Emotional-Learning (SEL)

The Trauma-Influenced Self-Regulation Integrating Social-Emotional-Learning (SEL) Program helps middle school and younger , children, in both dealing with, and coping with, the effects that trauma has had on their social and emotional development. This program teaches the youth, and the parent,with their ability to monitor and regain self-control of their own behavior, emotions, or thoughts.